What Are We Doing?
Primarily and steadily, near-daily self-paced yoga practices in a group setting. Our yoga spacecraft vibrates a resonant style inspired by Ornette Coleman’s harmolodics.
But also: Gatherings, Events, Expeditions, and elsewise.
Mysore Room
A room for quiet, contemplative self-paced self-practices. Based on the style of yoga teaching found throughout India but popularized in Mysore, India, as a context for learning ashtanga yoga.
Ashtanga yoga is the scaffolding, and alternative modalities of gestures, physicality, meditation, breathwork and mindfulness practices, healing, explorations, and therapeutics are welcome.
Ashtanga Yoga
For us, the practice of ashtanga yoga focuses upon repetition and regularity, effort and ease.
The essential qualities of practice involve:
- a soft, rhythmic continuity of breathing;
- a mindful and rested awareness;
- a taut and pliant gentleness in presence and gesture.