What is Spacecraft?
Space is kha and “space is the place,” as the venerable Sun Ra repeatedly reminded us. Space is also, fundamentally, an element, albeit an elusive one.
A craft contains multitudes: spellcraft, witchcraft, stagecraft, warcraft, minecraft, arts and crafts, craftiness, watercraft, hovercraft. To craft is to skillfully or lovingly or purposefully create. A craft is a form, a practice, a vehicle, a vessel that bridges here to there, that allows some-thing to emerge from no-thing, and is made up of many parts but is not reducible to any one of those parts. The spacecraft is both a holder of space and a means of traversing through space. The body is a spacecraft, a shapeshifter inside and out, in communion with fellow spacecrafts.
“Anytime I enter the space,” says Zoh Amba, “I look at this as a moment to get closer to God.” This is spacecraft.